Schlagwort: WindEurope

Building more wind is key to delivering the EU Clean Industrial Deal

Windpark Winter

The EU built 12.9 GW of new wind energy capacity in 2024. Europe built 16.4 GW. 84% of that was onshore wind. Germany installed the most new wind capacity, more than 4 GW. The UK, France, Finland, Türkiye, Spain and Sweden all built more than 1 GW.

Europe’s wind supply chain continues ramp up

Wind- and Solarenergy

The Net Zero Industry Act requires 36 GW of wind manufacturing capacity in the EU by 2030. We need more support to achieve this. Ease access to capital, enable a level playing field with non-European competitors, further boost the grid buildout and our European companies will deliver

Simplify and Accelerate is the way forward: Europe still takes too long to permit wind farms

Germany is showing everyone else how it’s done. They permitted 15 GW of new onshore wind farms in 2025. That’s seven times more than they were permitting five years ago.

EU Commission sets the direction for its competitiveness strategy

Wind- and Solarenergy

The European Commission presented its ‘Competitiveness Compass’ a blueprint for actions to restore the competitiveness of the European economy

Europe gets 20% of its electricity from wind. But not enough new wind farms being built. Urgent action needed on permitting, grids and electrification

Windpark Winter

Wind energy was 20% of all the electricity consumed in Europe. But Europe is not building enough new wind farms.

Draghi says PPAs are good for EU competitiveness: all EU rules must reflect that

Wind- and Solarenergy

Europe must leverage the significant potential for private financing stemming from PPAs

Kraftvoller Start für WindEnergy Hamburg 2024: Zusammenarbeit als Schlüssel für die Energiewende

Lokal erzeugte, erschwingliche erneuerbare Energie ist nicht nur die Zukunft unseres Energiemodells – sie ist der stärkste Schutz gegen extreme Preisschwankungen und eine wichtige Waffe im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel

Wind turbine orders and supply chain investments are up – but urgent action is required on grids, permitting and auction design

In the first half (H1) of 2024 Europe added 6.4 GW of new wind energy capacity: 5.3 GW onshore and 1.1 GW offshore.

We now expect the EU to build 15 GW of new wind farms this year, compared to 16 GW in 2023.

Europa: Deutschland liegt vorne beim Windenergieausbau

Überall in Europa zieht der Zubau der Windenergie an Land und auf See an. Die Analyse bestätigt:. Deutschland als europäischer Kernmarkt ist mit hoher Vitalität zurück

New UK Government shows impressive determination on wind energy


Positive signs for onshore wind

fund would invest in clean energy and other infrastructure projects

WindEurope’s response to Ursula von der Leyen’s re-election commitment

Wind- and Solarenergy

Wind is 20% of Europe’s electricity – the EU want it to be 35% by 2030

EU Elections 2024: WindEurope’s five asks for the next five years

Wind energy is 20% of the electricity consumed in Europe

Wind is cheap. And the more we have of it, the less energy we need to import

EU Grid Action Plan will help renewables, but urgent action needed on excessive connection queues

Wind- und Solarparks EcofinConcept Erneuerbare Energien

Delayed grid connections are now one of the main bottlenecks to the expansion of wind energy the EU wants

Denmark’s latest offshore wind auction could award enough capacity to meet the country’s entire electricity demand

Windpark Neltje Jans 2

Denmark opened an offshore wind tender which could award up to 10 GW

additional costs on wind farm developers

EcoVadis, WindEurope and leading wind industry organisations launch ‘Wind Energy Initiative

Wind- and Solarenergy

With the launch of the ‘Wind Energy Initiative’ key players in the wind energy industry join forces today to identify and adopt common sustainable business practices

Uptake in permitting and investments brings 2030 wind target within reach

Wind- and Solarenergy

Denmark had the biggest share of wind in its electricity mix

Deutschland wieder führend beim Windenergieausbau in Europa

Wind- und Solarparks EcofinConcept Erneuerbare Energien

Deutschland wieder führend beim Windenergieausbau

Wind energy permitting is improving but Governments still have work to do

Wind- and Solarenergy

Europe approved significantly more permits for new onshore wind farms in 2023 than in previous years

Net Zero Industry Act threatens to be a backward step for Europe’s wind industry

Windpark Repowering 2

Wind is 19% of the electricity consumed in Europe

EU electricity market design deal will help restore investment certainty

EcofinConcept wind and solar energy

Europe needs more renewables as fast as possible

The European Commission wants wind energy to grow to 420 GW by 2030, up from just over 200 GW today

European wind turbine manufacturing is indispensable for energy security and competitive electricity prices

Windpark Neltje Jans 2

wind farm developers in Europe are happy with the European turbines they have installed and would like to be able to continue sourcing European turbines

RE-Source 2023 marks 7.8 GW PPA record but industry urges for barriers to be removed to reach EU net zero objectives

EcofinConcept wind and solar energy

To maximise PPA market potential, energy buyers call on policymakers to use the EU’s Electricity Market Design (EMD) to rapidly remove persisting regulatory barriers to PPAs and deliver the certainty needed to support European businesses’ net zero and energy security goals

President von der Leyen is right: wind energy must continue to be made in Europe

Nordex Windkraftanlage

And the President is absolutely right: it is essential that wind energy continues to be made in Europe

Von der Leyen: ‘De windsector is een Europees succesverhaal’

Het windenergiepakket van de Europese Commissie heeft tot doel om te komen tot versnelde vergunningverlening, het verbeteren van de veilingsystemen in de lidstaten, werknemers met de juiste vaardigheden, betere toegang tot financiering én stabielere toeleveringsketens

UK’s badly-designed CfD auction attracts not a single investor

And they still have 2 other big projects from the previous auction that are trying to make the numbers work and reach final investment decision

No energy transition without expanded electricity grid

Wind- and Solarenergy

Europe needs to invest more in its electricity grids. It needs to accelerate the build-out of transmission and distribution networks, reinforce existing grids and increase their flexibility

German offshore auctions award 7 GW of new wind; future auctions must avoid negative bidding

Today Germany announced the results of its biggest offshore wind auction to date. 7 GW of new capacity were awarded

New permitting rules & tools available for Governments to speed up renewables expansion

Wind- and Solarenergy

Germany is a good example of a country that has taken action already. They want to start building 10 GW of new wind each year by 2025 which would not have been possible under their old permitting rules

Electricity market design: European Parliament mustn’t undermine climate or energy security

Wind- and Solarenergy

And there must be sufficient flexibility to sell electricity under a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) or on a merchant basis where operators wish to do so.

After a decade of stagnation, we sense a wind of change in Central Europe

EcofinConcept Wind- und Solarparks

Recent regulatory changes for wind energy development in Central European countries are promising: Hungary is simplifying repowering conditions. In Slovenia first steps to boost permitting will come into force in July. And recently amended legislation in Czechia aligns the position of wind energy development with other public interests and simplifies permitting processes.

NZIA: act now or Europe’s wind turbines will be made in China

Windpark Nordsee

Our existing green supply chains bring jobs, growth and investment to thousands of communities. We’ve got to wake up and preserve that AND build on it. NZIA is our chance.

Nature restoration and wind energy go hand in hand

Wind- and Solarenergy

Wind farm developers are actively working with NGOs to find ways of accentuating these positive biodiversity impacts
The CO2 emissions involved in producing and installing a modern wind turbine are paid back within 6 months of operation for onshore wind

Energy Storage Coalition launched – more flexibility to help decarbonise Europe

deployment of sustainable and clean energy storage solutions

Europe invested €17bn in new wind in 2022, the lowest since 2009

Wind- und Solarparks EcofinConcept Erneuerbare Energien

Europe invested just €17bn in new wind farms in 2022

Europe invested just €17bn in new wind farms in 2022. That’s down from €41bn in 2021 and the lowest investment figure since 2009 – a stark warning to Governments and policymakers. The EU wants to accelerate the build-out of wind energy to strengthen its energy security and ensure affordable electricity prices.

Wind industry commits to make its supply chains even more sustainable

Wind- and Solarenergy

Renewables are the driving force behind the decarbonisation of our economies but their supply chains are global and complex

Energy CEOs: Europe needs stronger wind supply chain and clear investment signals

We need investor certainty to get back on track. Imposing CfDs on new or existing projects, or extending emergency measures will not serve Europe’s purpose in delivering climate neutrality while protecting consumers.

The EU built only 16 GW new wind in 2022: must restore investor confidence and ramp up supply chain

EcofinConcept wind and solar energy

Europe built 19 GW of new wind energy capacity in 2022. 16 GW of those were in the EU. That’s 40% up on 2021. But it’s much less than what’s needed for the EU’s 2030 goals. And investments in new wind farms and new wind turbine orders were down in 2022: due to unhelpful Government …


WindEurope panel at COP27: permitting, permitting, permitting

Wind- and Solarenergy

Wind energy is highly scalable and cost-competitive. And the industry is ready to deliver these volumes.

The EU must speed up renewables and renewable hydrogen to secure industry energy supplies and keep up the pace with green industry projects, say WindEurope and EUROFER

Nordex Windenergieanlage

The availability and affordability of renewables and renewable hydrogen for industries such as steel ready to decarbonise at large scale must become the EU’s top priority for reaching climate neutrality and accelerating independence from Russian fossil fuel supplies

The energy transition goes together with nature protection

Wind- and Solarenergy

The first and most crucial step is the siting and design of wind farms.  Appropriate siting and design greatly reduces the extent and severity of impacts.  Before construction all projects are assessed by a rigorously independent planning and approval process

Europe puts fast permitting of renewables at the heart of its energy security plan

EcofinConcept wind and solar energy

The Commission says faster renewables-based decarbonisation is key for both climate neutrality and energy security. They propose to raise the EU’s 2030 renewable energy target to 45% as part of the “Fit for 55” package

WindEurope CEO on the RePowerEU Action Plan and the Financial Outlook

Wind- and Solarenergy

Thanks in part to the permitting problems, Europe’s wind supply chain is under huge strain at the moment. Because there aren’t enough permitting projects the market is only half the size it should be.

Without grid enhancements Europe won’t reach its climate goals

Enercon-E40 Windkraftanlage

Electrification is the most cost-effective way to decarbonise Europe’s economy. Direct and indirect electrification will make up 75% of Europe’s energy demand by 2050.

Europe wants more renewables to increase its energy security

Wind energy is home grown and cheaper than imported fossil fuels. Every wind farm contributes to making Europe less reliant on fossil fuel imports.

Tyskland satser massivt på landvind

En årlig udbygning på 10 GW landvind og reservation af 2 pct. af det tyske landareal skal blandt andet være med til at sikre, at Tyskland når sine klimamål for 2030. Den nye økonomi- og klimaminister, Robert Habeck, præsenterede på et pressemøde for nylig sine ambitiøse energi- og klimaplaner for, hvordan Tyskland skal nå sine 2030-klimamål.

WindEurope CEO on the state of play as we enter 2022

Even more encouragingly, the new German Government is planning great things for wind

they want to build up to 10 GW a year of new onshore between now and 2030 (Europe as a whole installed 12 GW onshore wind in 2020) – and to set aside 2% of Germany’s land area for wind energy;

New State Aid Guidelines allow technology specific auctions, endorse Contracts for Difference to deploy more wind

Nordex Windenergieanlage

The new Guidelines allow National Governments to hold technology specific auctions and endorse revenue stabilisation mechanisms notably 2-sided CfDs. These are pre-conditions for the accelerated deployment of wind energy towards climate neutrality

Wind will be half of electricity in a climate neutral Europe

Renewables are now 38% of all the electricity consumed in the EU, and that’s set to keep rising rapidly. But electricity is only one quarter of the energy we consume in Europe today.

European wind industry reinforces sustainability commitments

Nordex Windenergieanlage

In many countries across Europe the first wind farms are now reaching the end of their operational life. As of 2020, 10 GW of wind farms were already over 20 years old

New German Government must make wind energy a top priority again

Errichtungsbeginn-WEA Vestas

On 26 September Germany will elect a new Parliament. The election will mark the end of the 16-year reign of Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU). Regardless of the outcome of the election, WindEurope, the German Wind Energy Association (BWE) and VDMA Power Systems call on the new Federal Government to acknowledge the central role of wind energy as the backbone of the German energy system and to remove the existing obstacles to wind energy expansion.