Schlagwort: wind energy

Building more wind is key to delivering the EU Clean Industrial Deal

Windpark Winter

The EU built 12.9 GW of new wind energy capacity in 2024. Europe built 16.4 GW. 84% of that was onshore wind. Germany installed the most new wind capacity, more than 4 GW. The UK, France, Finland, Türkiye, Spain and Sweden all built more than 1 GW.

Europe’s wind supply chain continues ramp up

Wind- and Solarenergy

The Net Zero Industry Act requires 36 GW of wind manufacturing capacity in the EU by 2030. We need more support to achieve this. Ease access to capital, enable a level playing field with non-European competitors, further boost the grid buildout and our European companies will deliver

New EU Commission: what it means for wind

Wind energy already helps to bring down electricity costs and makes Europe less dependent on fossil fuel imports. And clean and cheap wind power is key in helping EU heavy industries decarbonise and electrify. Europe is also a global technology leader in wind energy

Rostock: Regional development with wind energy

Regional development with wind energy
Project developers are interested in building new wind farms

New UK Government plans big push on wind

UK Government is committed to double onshore wind and quadruple offshore wind

Immediate actions needed to unblock grid capacity for more wind energy

Grid access is the new permitting – the number one bottleneck to the build-out of wind

EU Elections 2024: WindEurope’s five asks for the next five years

Wind energy is 20% of the electricity consumed in Europe

Wind is cheap. And the more we have of it, the less energy we need to import

Denmark’s latest offshore wind auction could award enough capacity to meet the country’s entire electricity demand

Windpark Neltje Jans 2

Denmark opened an offshore wind tender which could award up to 10 GW

additional costs on wind farm developers

Rebound in wind energy financing in 2023 shows that the right policies attract investors

Investments in wind energy in Europe

Europe invested a record €48bn in wind energy last year

The EU built a record 17 GW of new wind energy in 2023 – wind now 19% of electricity production

The EU built 17 GW of new wind energy in 2023, slightly up on 2022 – and more than ever in a single year in fact. But it’s not enough to reach the EU’s 2030 targets. The EU should be building 30 GW of new wind every year between now and 2030. The actions set …


EU electricity market design deal will help restore investment certainty

EcofinConcept wind and solar energy

Europe needs more renewables as fast as possible

The European Commission wants wind energy to grow to 420 GW by 2030, up from just over 200 GW today

European wind turbine manufacturing is indispensable for energy security and competitive electricity prices

Windpark Neltje Jans 2

wind farm developers in Europe are happy with the European turbines they have installed and would like to be able to continue sourcing European turbines

Wind Power Package: game-changer for Europe’s energy security

The Action Plan also calls for improved visibility on wind energy deployment. 

President von der Leyen is right: wind energy must continue to be made in Europe

Nordex Windkraftanlage

And the President is absolutely right: it is essential that wind energy continues to be made in Europe

German offshore auctions award 7 GW of new wind; future auctions must avoid negative bidding

Today Germany announced the results of its biggest offshore wind auction to date. 7 GW of new capacity were awarded

After a decade of stagnation, we sense a wind of change in Central Europe

EcofinConcept Wind- und Solarparks

Recent regulatory changes for wind energy development in Central European countries are promising: Hungary is simplifying repowering conditions. In Slovenia first steps to boost permitting will come into force in July. And recently amended legislation in Czechia aligns the position of wind energy development with other public interests and simplifies permitting processes.

Nature restoration and wind energy go hand in hand

Wind- and Solarenergy

Wind farm developers are actively working with NGOs to find ways of accentuating these positive biodiversity impacts
The CO2 emissions involved in producing and installing a modern wind turbine are paid back within 6 months of operation for onshore wind

Revised EU Renewables Directive set to speed up wind permitting

Wind- and Solarenergy

The Environmental Impact Assessments for repowering will be limited to new additional impacts of the projects making the procedure much faster

Europe invested €17bn in new wind in 2022, the lowest since 2009

Wind- und Solarparks EcofinConcept Erneuerbare Energien

Europe invested just €17bn in new wind farms in 2022

Europe invested just €17bn in new wind farms in 2022. That’s down from €41bn in 2021 and the lowest investment figure since 2009 – a stark warning to Governments and policymakers. The EU wants to accelerate the build-out of wind energy to strengthen its energy security and ensure affordable electricity prices.

The EU built only 16 GW new wind in 2022: must restore investor confidence and ramp up supply chain

EcofinConcept wind and solar energy

Europe built 19 GW of new wind energy capacity in 2022. 16 GW of those were in the EU. That’s 40% up on 2021. But it’s much less than what’s needed for the EU’s 2030 goals. And investments in new wind farms and new wind turbine orders were down in 2022: due to unhelpful Government …


Slovakia has excellent wind conditions but must remove barriers to wind energy


Clearer rules and guidelines would encourage investors. The Government also needs to support the expansion of the grid – and lower the disproportionately high fees developers need to pay to connect their wind farms.

WindEurope panel at COP27: permitting, permitting, permitting

Wind- and Solarenergy

Wind energy is highly scalable and cost-competitive. And the industry is ready to deliver these volumes.

Low wind turbine orders call for step change in Europe’s energy security strategy

The rapid deployment of wind energy has never been more urgent – for energy security, for the climate, and for affordable energy prices

European Parliament doing good job on Renewables Directive – it must now deliver on permitting

Wind- and Solarenergy

Combined wind and solar parks are a good thing. Wind and solar are complementary in their output profiles. Put them together and you get a power plant with a high overall capacity factor

Energy security: France takes emergency measures to boost renewables

Wind- and Solarenergy

France gets around 20% of its electricity from renewable sources – 8% from wind energy, but it needs more to meet its climate goals while reinforcing energy security.

Investors want to finance more wind energy – Governments need to back this

Wind- and Solarenergy

Investments in wind energy keep rising. Last year Europe invested €41bn in new wind farms. This translated into the highest capacity of new wind farms ever financed in one year – 25 GW

The EU must speed up renewables and renewable hydrogen to secure industry energy supplies and keep up the pace with green industry projects, say WindEurope and EUROFER

Nordex Windenergieanlage

The availability and affordability of renewables and renewable hydrogen for industries such as steel ready to decarbonise at large scale must become the EU’s top priority for reaching climate neutrality and accelerating independence from Russian fossil fuel supplies

Germany gets ready to deploy more than 10 GW of new wind per year with historic package

Wind- and Solarenergy

The Easter Package is an outstanding package of measures that will drive the expansion of wind energy, both onshore and offshore. Big auction volumes. A clear long-term auction schedule. And crucially, major steps to simplify the permitting of wind farms

Messy permitting leads to yet another undersubscribed wind auction in Italy

Italy has published the results of its latest renewables auction. 3,300 MW was on offer, including non-awarded capacity from previous undersubscribed auctions. But only 975 MW of utility-scale projects were awarded, of which 392 MW were onshore wind

WindEurope CEO on the state of play as we enter 2022

Even more encouragingly, the new German Government is planning great things for wind

they want to build up to 10 GW a year of new onshore between now and 2030 (Europe as a whole installed 12 GW onshore wind in 2020) – and to set aside 2% of Germany’s land area for wind energy;

New State Aid Guidelines allow technology specific auctions, endorse Contracts for Difference to deploy more wind

Nordex Windenergieanlage

The new Guidelines allow National Governments to hold technology specific auctions and endorse revenue stabilisation mechanisms notably 2-sided CfDs. These are pre-conditions for the accelerated deployment of wind energy towards climate neutrality

Wind will be half of electricity in a climate neutral Europe

Renewables are now 38% of all the electricity consumed in the EU, and that’s set to keep rising rapidly. But electricity is only one quarter of the energy we consume in Europe today.

Spain auctions 2.2GW of onshore wind and retracts clawback measures

The Spanish Government published the results of its 3.3GW technology-neutral renewable energy auction. Onshore wind won a total of 2.258MW at an average of €30.18. This is amongst the cheapest strike prices in Europe ever and only slightly above the price in January’s auction in Spain.

New German Government must make wind energy a top priority again

Errichtungsbeginn-WEA Vestas

On 26 September Germany will elect a new Parliament. The election will mark the end of the 16-year reign of Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU). Regardless of the outcome of the election, WindEurope, the German Wind Energy Association (BWE) and VDMA Power Systems call on the new Federal Government to acknowledge the central role of wind energy as the backbone of the German energy system and to remove the existing obstacles to wind energy expansion.

Europe must get its State aid rules right to have any chance of delivering climate neutrality

The European Commission is revising its 2014 State aid guidelines for environment and energy. These guidelines define what national Government can and cannot do to support climate and energy projects, notably in wind energy.

Austria aims to have 100% renewable electricity by 2030

Vestas Windenergieanlage Flügel

The Austrian National Parliament has voted in favour of the country’s new Renewable Expansion Law (EAG). The law sets a 100% renewable electricity consumption goal by 2030 for Austria – up from 75% right now.

Wind boosts economic recovery and benefits communities all over Europe

Today is the 15th of June, it’s Global Wind Day! A celebration of wind energy, what it brings to communities and contributes to our post COVID economic recovery.

European energy infrastructure must prioritise renewables

WindEurope criticises the text of the TEN-E revision presented today by the European Commission. The Commission missed an important chance to clearly prioritise renewable electricity and renewable hydrogen infrastructure. Instead the TEN-E revision leaves a door open for fossil fuel projects, undermining the European Green Deal objective of climate neutrality.

European energy infrastructure must prioritise renewables

Wind- and Solarenergy

Europe needs a more integrated energy system, relying on renewables-based electrification and the decarbonisation of the gas sector

How is wind energy going to support economic recovery? Join us on “WindTV” and see for yourself

Wind energy is well positioned to support Europe’s economic recovery from COVID-19.

WindEnergy Hamburg Press Conference: Wind industry ready to deliver Europe’s green recovery

The EU’s Recovery Strategy, announced last week, adds a new dimension to the event. The further expansion of wind energy is set to be central to Europe’s economic recovery and to the EU Green Deal

German government drops the idea of a nationwide 1000m distance rule

Instead the German States can now set their own rules up to a maximum distance of 1000m.

German Energy Minister, Herr Altmaier, you have less than 2 months

On 1 July you become President of the 27 EU Energy Ministers. 23 of them have a National Energy & Climate Plan for 2030. You do not. If you don’t complete your Plan soon, you will not be a credible President.

Spain submits ambitious 2030 National Plan – Example for other countries to follow

Five other EU Member States still haven’t finalised their NECPs yet. They should find inspiration in the excellent Spanish example. Come on France, come on Germany…

Production of critical wind turbine components must continue – and will help cushion the blow of COVID-19

The COVID-19 crisis now has reaching impacts on the wind energy supply chain as European countries apply measures to contain the outbreak.

EU industrial strategy must recognise wind energy as a job creator in its own right

Europe can only reach climate-neutrality through the sustained growth of renewable energy to power the economy. This will be essential to ensure Europe’s long-term security of energy supply and technology leadership.

Brexit and wind energy: the current state of play

The United Kingdom has officially left the EU. It has now entered a ‘transition period’, during which the UK and the EU will negotiate the terms of their future relationship.

Europe now gets 15% of its electricity from wind but is not building enough to deliver the Green Deal

Europe installed 15.4 GW of new wind energy in 2019. Three quarters of this was onshore wind

PRESS RELEASE: EcofinConcept: Successful completion of one of Germany‘s largest repowering projects

Hückelhoven, September 12, 2019 – EcofinConcept has supported one of the largest wind energy repowering projects in Germany Satisfied today, all parties look to the achieved. That was not always so. One of the largest wind farm repowering projects in Brandenburg, Germany, threatened several times to fail because of the complexity of the task. So …


Significant uncertainty over the growth of wind energy in Europe over the next five years

If Governments end up producing clear and ambitious National Energy & Climate Plans (NECPs) and they improve the permitting arrangements for wind farms and they keep investing in new grid capacity, then Europe’s wind energy capacity would grow by 88 GW to 277 GW by 2023. But that’s a big if.