Purchase of a solar power plant with 8,000 kWp rated output
We are currently offering our investors an investment opportunity in a solar farm with lease property:
Sale of a project company with all rights and contracts including construction contract and debt financing
Solar park in South Germany
Monocrystalline solar modules
Huawei inverters
Land lease contract over 20 years plus options
Building permit, grid permission and debt financing are available
Commissioning: End of 2021 / Start of 2022
structure of deal: share-deal
Secured acceptance and compensation of the electricity generated in the solar system acc. fixed remuneration from the tender issued by the Federal Network Agency and EEG-law
As a private individual investor or entrepreneur you can acquire your own investment object. You can use your personal financial and tax options to optimize your investment. Your contribution to the energy transition.
We are always available for a conversation. For confidentiality reasons, we do not publish any specific information about the solar projects on our website.
EcofinConcept GmbH
Rheinstraße 7
D-41836 Hückelhoven
Telefon: 0049 2433 970 471
Telefax: 0049 2433 970 107
info (AT) ecofinconcept.de
see PRESS RELEASE EcofinConcept realizes the marketing of 6.9 MWp solar parks
see PRESS RELEASE Private investor acquires 740 kWp solar park through EcofinConcept
see PRESS RELEASE Investors rely on EcofinConcept’s solar know-how
see PRESS RELEASE EcofinConcept successfully accompanies solar park transactions to a Family Office