sale of a project with single onshore wind turbine NORDEX N117
location: Germany
rated power wind turbine: 2,400 kW (2.4 MW)
manufacturer WTG: NORDEX
hub height: 141m
rotor diameter: 117m
maintenance contract: Full Service possible (20 years)
start of operation: Q1/Q2 2018
building permit: on hand, advice of amendment in progress
feed-in permit: on hand
feed-in tariff by German law (pilot plant)
land lease contract: long term
If you are interested in our offer, do not hesitate to contact us.
Concerning confidentiality we do not provide detailed information on this Website.
EcofinConcept GmbH
Rheinstr. 7
D-41836 Hueckelhoven
Tel.: +49 2433 970 471
Fax: +49 2433 970 107
Mail: info (AT)