sale of 6 MW wind farm VESTAS V90, site in Germany, in operation


location:  Germany

power rating wind farm: 6,000 kW (6.0 MW)
rated power wind turbine: 2,000 kW (2.0 MW)
manufacturer WTG: VESTAS
hub height: 125m
rotor diameter: 90m

maintenance contract: VESTAS OptiSafe Full-Service over 15 years

start of operation: end of 2012

building permit: on hand
feed-in permit: on hand

feed-in tariff by German law (cent / kWh) / duration: 9.41 cents / kWh until end of 2032

land lease contract: 20 years plus option

technical management contract of wind energy project

commercial management contract of wind farm

If you are interested in our investment offer, do not hesitate to contact us. Concerning confidentiality we do not provide detailed information on this Website.