Kategorie: Offers wind and solar

Investment opportunities are available in entire wind farms, single turbines, solar farms and solar plants.

Sale of 90 GWh/a of green electricity via PPA from a solar farm in Germany

Wind- and Solarenergy

EcofinConcept is currently seeking interested industrial companies for a solar project developer who would like to purchase green electricity via a long-term PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) starting in 2026/27.

Purchase offer 120 MWp solar park project planning

Purchase offer 120 MWp solar park project planning

120 MWp solar power plant for sale as project rights

sale of 6 MW wind farm VESTAS V90, site in Germany, in operation


location: Germany

power rating wind farm: 6,000 kW (6.0 MW)
rated power wind turbine: 2,000 kW (2.0 MW)
manufacturer WTG: VESTAS
hub height: 125m
rotor diameter: 90m

Investering i ny ENERCON E-101 vindmøller i Tyskland (I drift)

vindmølle projekt med 1 ENERCON E 101 møller til salg
investering i vindmøller i Tyskland (i drift)

Investeringsprojekt: tyske GmbH & Co. KG

beliggenhed: Vesttyskland

effekt: 3.050 kW (3,05 MW)
mølleleverandør: ENERCON
vindmølletype: E-101
navhøjde: 135m
rotor diameter: 101m

Operational solar park 20 MWp for sale

Solarpark NRW neu

Operational solar park 20 MWp for sale

Purchase of a solar power plant with 20,000 kWp rated output

Sale of project rights with building permit VESTAS V162


Sale of project rights with building permit VESTAS V162

Offer of an approved project with a V162

Sale of single onshore wind turbine NORDEX N117 on site in Germany

sale of a project with single onshore wind turbine NORDEX N117

location: Germany

rated power wind turbine: 2,400 kW (2.4 MW)
manufacturer WTG: NORDEX
hub height: 141m
rotor diameter: 117m

maintenance contract: Full Service possible (20 years)

start of operation: Q1/Q2 2018

building permit: on hand, advice of amendment in progress

feed-in permit: on hand
feed-in tariff by German law (pilot plant)

land lease contract: long term

Verkaufsangebot Projekt Windkraftanlage ENERCON E-160

Verkaufsangebot Projektrecht Windkraftanlage ENERCON E-160
Verkauf einer Windenergieanlage E-160
Neuprojekt Enercon Windenergieanlage

sale of operational wind turbine Enercon E-101 on site in Germany

sale of wind turbine ENERCON E 101 on site in Germany
construction completed, wind turbine is in operation

location: Germany

rated power wind turbine: 3,050 kW (3.05 MW)
manufacturer WTG: ENERCON
hub height: 135m
rotor diameter: 101m

Interested in selling your wind or solar assets?

Are you interested in selling your wind turbine, wind farm or solar park please send us an e-mail. We have a large data base of investors who are always searching new investments.

Participation in a wind farm project development

Participation in a wind farm project development

greenfield wind energy project VESTAS V162

Nyt Enercon vindmølleprojekt

Nyt Enercon vindmølleprojekt

Købstilbudsprojekt med 2 til 6 ENERCON E-160/E-175

Salg af projektrettigheder til vindmølle E-160 / E-175

Sale of 16 MWp ground-mounted solar park

Purchase offer for a solar park with 16 MWp nominal output

Købstilbud 18 MWp projekt højre solcellepark

Købstilbud 18 MWp projekt højre solcellepark

Projektrettigheder til et jordmonteret solcelleanlæg

Indtræden i en igangværende udvikling af Enercon vindmøllepark

Indtræden i en igangværende udvikling af Enercon vindmøllepark

Vindenergi Systemtype: Enercon E-160

Nominel effekt: 4,6 MW

VERMARKTUNG Solarparks Tschechien, Rumänien, Albanien, Mazedonien

Wir vermarkten derzeit Solarparkprojekte in Tschechien, Rumänien, Albanien, Mazedonien und Ungarn (jeweils ca. 20 – 100 MWp).

ENERCON E 70 møller til salg investering i vindmøller i Tyskland (i drift)

ENERCON E 70 møller til salg investering i vindmøller i Tyskland (i drift)
Investering i ENERCON E-70 vindmøller i Tyskland (I drift)
investeringsprojekt: tyske GmbH & Co. KG

Sale: wind turbine ENERCON E 70 on site in Germany

Sale:wind turbine ENERCON E 70 on site in Germany

Procurement of solar parks Ukraine Italy Hungary Spain Czechia

As one of our services we offer investment opportunities in several solar farms in Italy (operational), Spain (project rights/ turn-key), Hungary (turn-key) and Czechia (operational). Current offers in a range of 1 up to 20 MWp only on request.

SALE ENERCON E-70 in Germany

SALE ENERCON E-70 in Germany
sale of wind turbine ENERCON E 70 on site in Germany
construction completed, wind turbine is in operation

Investment opportunities: wind farms and single wind turbines on site

Logo EcofinConcept Renewable Energies

Investment offer: turn-key wind farms and single wind turbines, operational wind farms

As one of our services we offer investment opportunities in several wind farms (2 – 15 turbines per wind farm) and single wind turbines on site (manufacturer e.g. Enercon, VESTAS, GE Wind, NEG Micon, Repower) with commissioning years between 1999 and 2014.

Amongst others wind farms and single turbines with the following WTG types are available: REpower MM82, MD70, MD77, Senvion MM92, VESTAS V80, VESTAS V90, NEG Micon NM 60/1000, NEG Micon NM 1.000/60, NM82, NM 48/750, NM 52/900, Enercon E70, Enercon E82, Lagerwey LW750, GE Wind 1.5s, GE Wind 1.5sl, GE 2.5-120)

Professional maintenance, technical operation and commercial management are also secured for the future of course.

Furthermore EcofinConcept offers investments in several turn-key wind farms and single wind turbine projects with commissioning between 2015 and 2016 following the current planning. Most of these wind farms will be fitted with Nordex N117, N131, VESTAS V90, V112, V117, V126, ENERCON E-82, E-92, E-101, E-115, E-126, GE 2.85-103, GE 2.5-120, VENSYS 112, 120, eno 92, eno 114, eno 126 and Senvion MM82, MM92, 3.2M, 3.4M wind turbines (wind turbine generators WTG).

Solar park 8 MWp for sale

Solar park 8 MWp for sale

Purchase of a solar power plant with 8,000 kWp rated output

Sale of NORDEX wind turbine N163 inland

Nordex Windkraftanlage

Sale of NORDEX wind turbine N163 inland

Purchase NORDEX N163 single system

sale of single onshore wind turbine NORDEX N117

Errichtungsbeginn-WEA Vestas

Sale of single onshore wind turbine NORDEX N117 on site in Germany

Købstilbud 120 MWp solcellepark projektering

Wind- and Solarenergy

120 MWp solcelleanlæg til salg som projektrettigheder

Købstilbud 120 MWp solcellepark projektering

Ecofin Concept GmbH
Renewable Energies

Kaufangebot 30 MWp Solarpark PPA Projekt

Kaufangebot 30 MW Solarpark PPA Projekt
30 MWp Solarkraftwerk zu verkaufen

vindmølle projekt med 3 NORDEX N-149 møller til salg

WEA EcofinConcept EE

investering i ny NORDEX N149 vindmøller i Tyskland
Investeringsprojekt: projektselskab med vindmøller

sale of NORDEX wind farm

Investment: NORDEX N149 wind farm in Germany
sale of NORDEX wind farm

OFFER: operational Solar plant with ca. 4 MWp rated power

OFFER: operational Solar plant with ca. 4 MWp rated power

operational solar farm with 4 MWp in Italy

Investment: GE wind farm in Germany

EcofinConcept wind and solar energy

Investment: GE wind farm in Germany

sale of wind farm with GE turbines

OFFER: operational Solar power plant Italy

For Sale operational solar farm with 1.9 MWp in Italy
location: Northern Italy

power rating (in kWp): ca. 1,900 kWp (ca. 1.9 MWp)

solar modules: poly crystalline 230-235 Wp, 10 years warranty (reassured)

solar inverters: SMA, 10 years warranty

type of installation: fixed ground mounted system; orientation South

start of operation: 2011/2012

feed-in fee by Italian law conto energia with 20 years duration (FIT)

no debt to be taken over

sale of 100% shares in Italian S.r.l.

If you are interested in our investment offer, do not hesitate to contact us. Concerning confidentiality we do not provide detailed information on this website.

Solar park 1.500 kWp for sale

Solar park 1.500 kWp for sale
Purchase of a solar power plant with 1.5 MWp rated output

investering solanlægget i fuld drift siden 2011/2012

Investering solcelleparken (solcelleanlæg) i Italien
beliggenhed: nord Italien
samlet ydelse: ca. 1.9 MWp (ca. 1.900 kWp)

Solpaneler: poly-crystalline 230-235 Wp solcellemoduler (kinesisk producent)
Garantier: 10 år produktgaranti (genforsikring)
10 år : 90 % produktivitet 25 år: 80% produktivitetgaranti

vekselretter (inverter) : SMA (tyske producent) med 10 år produktgaranti

system stationær; Orientering sød, Fald (vinkel) 25°

Idriftsættelse: 2011/2012
byggetilladelse: AU (autorizzazione unica)

netto produktion: ca. 1.210 kWh / kWp pr. år
samlet netto produktion: ca. 2.300.000 kWh pr. år

20 års garanteret afregningspriser (conto energia) 

jordlejeaftaler: 20 år plus option forlængelse

teknisk og økonomisk administration muligt

Finansiering: ved køber

Sale in solar power plants and solar parks (1 – 5 MWp)

As one of our services we offer investment opportunities in several solar farms and solar power plants (photovoltaics) in Germany and Italy. Current offers in a range of 1 up to 20 MWp only on request. Three solar parks with in total 7 MWp in Italy are already in operation and now for sale.

Presently there are projects with bankable modules and inverters of the manufacturers Q-Cells, FirstSolar, Suntech, Yingli, Jinko, RES, Schott, Schüco, bp, LG Solar, sunowe, sunways, LDK, Evergreen, Chaori, Canadian Solar, SMA, Kaco, Schneider-Xantrex, Sputnik SolarMax, Refusol, Siemens on sale.

Procurement of solar parks Spain

Wind- and Solarenergy

Investment opportunities: Solar farms
As one of our services we offer investment opportunities in several solar farms in Spain (project pipeline with PPA projects).

SALE: single onshore wind turbine VESTAS V126 on site in Germany

Investment: VESTAS V126 wind turbine in Germany

location: Western-Germany

type of wind turbine: VESTAS V126-3.45 MW
rated power wind turbine: 3,450 kW (3.45 MW)
hub height: 147m
rotor diameter: 126m

maintenance contract: Full Service VESTAS over 15-20 years

start of operation: end of 2018

building permit: on hand
feed-in permit: on hand

feed-in tariff by German law

operational 20 MWp solarpark for sale

We are currently offering our investors an investment opportunity in an operational solar farm with lease property

Investering i Italien: Solcelleanlæg (solcelleparken)

solanlægget i fuld drift siden 2011
beliggenhed: Emilia-Romagna , Italien

samlet ydelse: ca. 3.7 MWp (ca. 3.700 kWp)

Solpaneler: mono-crystalline 190 Wp solcellemoduler (kinesisk producent)
Garantier: 10 år produktgaranti
12 år : 90 % produktivitet 25 år: 80% produktivitetgaranti

vekselretter (inverter) : REFUsol (tyske producent) med 5 år produktgaranti

Kaufangebot Solarparkportfolio mit rund 8 MWp in Deutschland

Verkauf von Solarparks mit 8 MWp in Deutschland

Sale wind farm on site in Poland

Investment opportunity: operational wind farm in Poland
Sale wind farm on site in Poland

Investment opportunity: Senvion (REpower) 3.4M wind turbine on site in Germany

Sale of wind turbine Senvion 3.4M on site in Germany
location: North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany

power rating: 3,400 kW (3.4 MW)
manufacturer WTG: Senvion (REpower)
hub height: 128m
rotor diameter: 104m

maintenance contract: Senvion Full Service ISP+ over 15 years

start of operation: end of 2015

building permit: on hand
feed-in permit: on hand

Investering i ny Senvion (REpower) 3.4M vindmølle i Tyskland

Projekt med 1 Senvion møller til salg
investering i vindmøller i Tyskland

Investeringsprojekt: NRW XXV GmbH & Co. KG

beliggenhed: North-Rhine Westphalia, Tyskland

effekt: 3.400 kW (3,4 MW)
mølleleverandør: Senvion (REpower)
vindmølletype: Senvion 3.4M
navhøjde: 128m
rotordiameter: 104m

Investering i ny NORDEX N117 vindmøller i Tyskland (projekt)

vindmølle projekt med 1 NORDEX N-117 møller til salg
investering i vindmøller i Tyskland

Investeringsprojekt: projekt med vindmøller

beliggenhed: Vesttyskland

effekt: 2.400 kW (2,4 MW)
mølleleverandør: NORDEX
vindmølletype: N117
navhøjde: 141m
rotor diameter: 117m

servicekontrakt: 20 års fuld serviceaftale, som garanterer rådighed

konstruktion: Q1/Q2 2018
idriftsat: Q1/Q2 2018

byggetilladelse: er kendte, ændringsforslag under arbejde
godkendelse energi-udbydere: er kendte

20 års garanteret afregningspriser på 7,49 / 7,31 €cents pr. kWh. (særlige ordning for pilotproduktionssystem fundament i EEG)

for sale operational Solar plant in Czech Republic

OFFER: operational Solar power plant with ca. 7,000 kWp (ca. 7 MWp) rated power 
location: Czech Republic

power rating (in kWp): ca. 7,000 kWp (ca. 7 MWp)

solar modules: crystalline

solar inverters: SMA, REFUsol

type of installation: fixed ground mounted system; orientation South

start of operation: 2008-2010
feed-in fee by Czech FIT with 20 years duration

Sale of Senvion wind farm on site in Germany

turbine type: SENVION 3.4M104
Number of wind turbines (WTG): 3
power rating WTG: 3,370 kW (3.4 MW)
power rating wind farm: 10.11 MW
manufacturer WTG: Senvion (REpower)
hub height: 128m
rotor diameter: 104m

Sale of onshore wind farm VESTAS V126 on site in Germany

VESTAS V126 wind farm in Germany investment

location: Western-Germany

pieces: 3
type of wind turbine: VESTAS V126-3.45 MW
power rating wind farm: 10,350 kW (10.35 MW)
rated power wind turbine: 3,450 kW (3.45 MW)
manufacturer WTG: VESTAS
hub height: 147m
rotor diameter: 126m

maintenance contract: Full Service VESTAS over 15 years

start of operation: end of 2018

Investment: VESTAS V126 wind farm in Germany

sale of onshore wind farm VESTAS V126 on site in Germany

location: Western-Germany

pieces: 3
type of wind turbine: VESTAS V126-3.45 MW
power rating wind farm: 10,350 kW (10.35 MW)
rated power wind turbine: 3,450 kW (3.45 MW)
manufacturer WTG: VESTAS
hub height: 147m
rotor diameter: 126m

maintenance contract: Full Service VESTAS over 15 years

start of operation: end of 2018

building permit: on hand
feed-in permit: on hand

feed-in tariff by German law

land lease contract: 20 years plus prolongation options

SPV for Sale 20 MW VESTAS wind farm

FOR SALE: 20 MW VESTAS wind farm
location: Northern Germany, Germany

power rating wind farm: 19,800 kW (19.8 MW)
rated power wind turbine: 12 * 1,650 kW (1.65 MW)
manufacturer WTG: VESTAS
WTG type: V66-1.65 MW
hub height: 67m
rotor diameter: 66m

maintenance contract: VESTAS Full-Service until end of 2019

start of operation: 1999

building permit: on hand
feed-in permit: on hand

feed-in tariff by German law (cent / kWh) / duration:
9,1 cent / kWh  until 2020

Investering solcelleparken (solcelleanlæg) i Italien

solanlægget i fuld drift siden 2011/2012
beliggenhed: nord Italien
samlet ydelse: ca. 1.9 MWp (ca. 1.900 kWp)

Solpaneler: poly-crystalline 230-235 Wp solcellemoduler (kinesisk producent)
Garantier: 10 år produktgaranti
10 år : 90 % produktivitet 25 år: 80% produktivitetgaranti

vekselretter (inverter) : SMA (tyske producent) med 10 år produktgaranti

system stationær; Orientering sød, Fald (vinkel) 25°

Idriftsættelse: 2011/2012
byggetilladelse: AU (autorizzazione unica)

netto produktion: ca. 1.210 kWh / kWp pr. år
samlet netto produktion: ca. 2.300.000 kWh pr. år

20 års garanteret afregningspriser (conto energia) 

jordlejeaftaler: 20 år plus option forlængelse

teknisk og økonomisk administration muligt

Finansiering: ved køber

operational solar farm with 1.9 MWp in Italy

OFFER: operational Solar power plant with ca. 1,900 kWp (ca. 1.9 MWp) rated power in Northern Italy
location: Northern Italy

power rating (in kWp): ca. 1,900 kWp (ca. 1.9 MWp)

solar modules: poly crystalline 230-235 Wp, 10 years warranty

solar inverters: SMA, 10 years warranty

type of installation: fixed ground mounted system; orientation South

start of operation: 2011/2012

feed-in fee by Italian law conto energia with 20 years duration

no debt to be taken over

sale of 100% shares in Italian S.r.l.

If you are interested in our investment offer, do not hesitate to contact us. Concerning confidentiality we do not provide detailed information on this website.