In the first half (H1) of 2024 Europe added 6.4 GW of new wind energy capacity: 5.3 GW onshore and 1.1 GW offshore.
We now expect the EU to build 15 GW of new wind farms this year, compared to 16 GW in 2023.
News about EcofinConcept
Aug. 28
Are you interested in selling your wind turbine, wind farm or solar park please send us an e-mail. We have a large data base of investors who are always searching new investments.
Juni 12
Participation in a wind farm project development
greenfield wind energy project VESTAS V162
März 16
Purchase offer for a solar park with 16 MWp nominal output
Feb. 23
Indtræden i en igangværende udvikling af Enercon vindmøllepark
Vindenergi Systemtype: Enercon E-160
Nominel effekt: 4,6 MW
Juli 16
Er du investor in tyske vindmølleprojekter og enkele gamle møller in Tyskland?
Vi søger efter tyske vindmølleprojekter for repowering og erstatte ældre tyske landmøller med nye!
Vi tilbyder følgende services ved repowering og projektering af nye vindmølleparker:
• Første vurderinger af repowering mulighederne
• Første beregninger
• Indhente af tilladelser (BImschG)
• Finansiering med tyske banken elle nye investor
• Implementering nye møller
Kontakt EcofinConcept via e-mail på tysk og engelsk.
Juni 27
Vi underviser og købe tyske vindmølle og solcelleparker
Har du en vindmølle (nye vindmølleparker eller gamle vindmøller) eller solcellepark i Tyskland som du ønsker at sælge, så kontakt EcofinConcept
Feb. 06
EcofinConcept GmbH – consulenza, sviluppo di progetti, investimenti e progetto marketing EcofinConcept GmbH è specializzata in energie rinnovabili – in particolare il vento, solare e bioenergia-. La sede dell’azienda si trova nelle vicinanze di Düsseldorf.
EcofinConcept è un membro dell’energia eolica tedesca associazione (BWE) il Windenergie-Agentur e.V. (WAB), l’associazione regionale delle energie rinnovabili NRW e.V. (LEE) e funziona con energia eolica nella Renania settentrionale-Vestfalia nella rete.
Lo spettro di potenza del classico EcofinConcept servizi di consulenza comprende in particolare l’acquisizione di progetti per gli investitori, il commercial due diligence, sviluppo del progetto e mediazione, supporto delle transazioni e l’approvvigionamento del project financing e la concezione delle opportunità di investimento.
L’amministratore delegato della EcofinConcept GmbH hanno molti anni di esperienza nel settore delle energie rinnovabili. I riferimenti dell’azienda e l’amministratore delegato in poche parole: gestione, progettazione, sviluppo, strutturazione, finanziamento e / o di più di 70 progetti di marketing con un volume di investimenti pari a un totale di 585 milioni e una capacità installata di quasi 360 MW.
Oggetti di investimento ecologico come turbine eoliche, impianti eolici, fotovoltaici e impianti solari (operazione chiavi in mano, chiavi in mano, o come piante), offriamo i nostri investitori istituzionali e privati.
Feb. 05
EcofinConcept GmbH – consulting, développement de projet, l’investissement et projet marketing
EcofinConcept GmbH est spécialisée dans les énergies renouvelables – en particulier l’énergie éolienne, solaire et de la bioénergie.
EcofinConcept GmbH est spécialisée dans les énergies renouvelables – en particulier l’énergie éolienne, solaire et de la bioénergie.
EcofinConcept est membre de l’Association (BWE) l’Agentur-Windenergie e.V. (WAB), l’association régionale des énergies renouvelables NRW e.V. (LEE).
Le spectre de puissance du classique EcofinConcept consulting services inclut en particulier l’acquisition de projets pour les investisseurs, le commercial due diligence, développement de projet et médiation, support de transaction et l’obtention de financement de projets et la conception des opportunités d’investissement.
Le directeur général de EcofinConcept GmbH ont plusieurs années d’expérience dans l’industrie des énergies renouvelables. Les références de la société et le directeur général, en un mot : gestion de projet, conception, développement, structuration, financement et / ou de plus de 70 projets de marketing avec un volume d’investissement de EUR 585 millions au total et une capacité installée de près de 360 MW.
Objets d’investissement écologique comme les éoliennes et parcs éoliens, fermes solaires, installations solaires (opération clé en main, clé en main, ou comme plantes stocks), nous offrons à nos investisseurs institutionnels et privés.
Feb. 02
EcofinConcept GmbH – consultoría, desarrollo de proyectos, inversión y proy
EcofinConcept GmbH se especializa en energías renovables – en particular el viento, solar y bioenergía-. La sede de la empresa se encuentra en las proximidades de Düsseldorf.
EcofinConcept es un miembro de la energía eólica alemana Asociación (BWE) la Agentur Windenergie e.V. (WAB), la Asociación regional energías renovables NRW e.V. (LEE) y funciona con energía eólica en Renania del Norte-Westfalia en la red.
El espectro de energía de los clásicos de EcofinConcept servicios de consultoría incluye en particular la adquisición de proyectos para inversionistas, el comercial due diligence, desarrollo de proyectos y mediación, soporte de la transacción y la consecución de la financiación del proyecto y el concepto de oportunidades de inversión.
El Director General de EcofinConcept GmbH tiene muchos años de experiencia en el sector de las energías renovables. Las referencias de la empresa y el Director Gerente en pocas palabras: gestión de proyectos, diseño, desarrollo, estructuración, financiación o comercialización de más de 70 proyectos con un volumen de inversión de euros un total de 585 millones y una capacidad instalada de casi 360 MW.
Objetos de inversión ecológica tales como aerogeneradores, parques eólicos, huertos solares y plantas solares (operación llave en mano, llave en mano, o como plantas de stock), ofrecemos a nuestros inversores institucionales y privados.
Dez. 16
Are you invested in a german wind farm?
Interested in repowering your wind turbine or wind farm in Germany?
Please send us an e-mail. Together with our technical partners we can support your efforts in repowering or take over your wind project.
EcofinConcept GmbH
Mai 08
Vi søger altid efter gode tyske vindmølleprojekter og solcelleparker for vores investorer.
Har du en vindmølle og solcellepark i Tyskland som du ønsker at sælge, så kontakt EcofinConcept via e-mail på tysk og engelsk.
For yderligere oplysninger kontakt venligst:
EcofinConcept GmbH
Jan. 26
EcofinConcept GmbH, der fokuserer på vedvarende energi, har støttet en strategisk investor i overtagelsen af en vindmølleparksdriftsvirksomhed som led i en firmasalg. Den tidligere danske ejer af vindmøllerne vil gerne ændre sit investeringsfokus og ikke beskæftige sig med fortsat drift eller repowering
Jan. 14
For a private investor community, EcofinConcept GmbH has carried out i.g. profitability audits and profitability calculations for the construction of a small wind farm.
März 01
Ønsker du i stedet at sælge et vindmølleprojekt (nye vindmølleparker eller gamle vindmøller) eller solcelleprojekt (solcelleparken) så kontakt os.
Vi har et netværk af investorer, der altid er interesserede i investeringsprojekter.
Dez. 14
Sep. 29
EcofinConcept GmbH, transaction manager and specialist for renewable energy projects, has marketed another solar park to a private investor.
Mai 21
EcofinConcept GmbH é especializada em energias renováveis – em particular a eólica, solar e bioenergia.
EcofinConcept é um membro da energia do vento alemão associação (BWE) a Agência-Windenergie e.V. (WAB) e a associação regional de energias renováveis NRW e.V. (LEE).
O espectro de potência do clássico EcofinConcept serviços de consultoria inclui nomeadamente a aquisição de projetos para investidores, o comercial, due diligence, desenvolvimento de projetos e mediação, suporte a transações e os contratos de financiamento de projetos e a concepção de oportunidades de investimento.
O diretor gestão da EcofinConcept GmbH tem muitos anos de experiência na indústria de energia renovável. As referências da empresa e o Director-geral em poucas palavras: gerenciamento de projetos, projeto, desenvolvimento, estruturação, financiamento e / ou comercialização de mais de 70 projetos com um volume de investimento de EUR um total de 585 milhões e uma capacidade instalada de quase 360 MW.
Objetos de investimento ecológico como turbinas eólicas, usinas eólicas, solares fazendas e usinas de energia solar (operação turn-key, chave na mão, ou como plantas de estoque), oferecemos aos nossos investidores institucionais e privados.
Feb. 04
PRESS RELEASE Investors rely on EcofinConcept’s solar know-how
EcofinConcept GmbH – specializing in renewable energy projects – has successfully marketed two more solar parks to two private investors from Germany.
Jan. 06
Hückelhoven, September 12, 2019 – EcofinConcept has supported one of the largest wind energy repowering projects in Germany Satisfied today, all parties look to the achieved. That was not always so. One of the largest wind farm repowering projects in Brandenburg, Germany, threatened several times to fail because of the complexity of the task. So …
Aug. 06
EcofinConcept markets a further 749 kWp solar park to a private investor
EcofinConcept GmbH, the specialist for renewable energy projects, has marketed another solar park to an investor from northern Germany.
Juli 05
EcofinConcept GmbH, Hückelhoven, a company specializing in renewable energies, has successfully assisted a family office based in southern Germany on the acquisition of a solar park portfolio.
Juli 01
At the beginning of the year 2019, EcofinConcept GmbH commenced the planning and survey of an 8 MWp solar park, which is to be one of the first ground-mounted systems in Germany without EEG remuneration.
Dez. 20
EcofinConcept markets single NORDEX N117-2.4 wind turbine
The wind turbine with a nominal output of 2,400 kW (2.4 MW), a hub height of 140m and a rotor diameter of 117m will be erected in 2017 on an extension of the wind energy site for several years.
Juli 09
We are pleased to offer a wide range of „new“ used wind turbines.
Currently the following wind turbines are available:
Enercon E40, E40/6.44, E40/6.44E1, E40/6.44E2, Enercon E58
Husumer Schiffswerft HSW 1000
If you are interested in these WTGs, do not hesitate to contact us.
Concerning confidentiality we do not provide detailed information on this Website.
Mai 27
Meet EcofinConcept at Hamburg WindEnergy 2016
EcofinConcept’s managing partners will visit Hamburg WindEnergy on 29th September 2016. You are welcome to make an appointment with us.
More information about the event:
The world’s leading expo for wind energy, WindEnergy Hamburg, is teaming up with the leading wind energy conference WindEurope Summit. The two events will run in parallel in Hamburg – the European Wind Capital.
Jan. 01
Meet EcofinConcept at Hannover Fair 2015
EcofinConcept’s managing partners will visit Hannover Fair between 16th and 17th April 2015. You are welcome to make an appointment with us.
More information about the event:
Smart grids, virtual power plants, renewable forms of energy: Discover new ideas and solutions for tomorrow’s power market at the world’s biggest energy trade fair. Come into contact with the leading industry experts and witness innovative technologies from across the globe. Technologies which your company can take advantage of to benefit fully from the new opportunities presented by the energy boom
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