Kategorie: Industry News

News about the renewables scene

Renewables associations call on EC to model higher RES targets

To maintain global leadership in renewables, Europe should now make a firm and resolute commitment to a flourishing and vibrant domestic renewable energy market by 2030. The European renewables industry calls on the European Commission to factor in higher renewable energy ambition in the post-2020 Renewable Energy Directive.

WindEurope elects new Chairman

EWEA rebranded to „WindEurope“ and has elected Francesco Venturini, Chief Executive Officer of Enel Green Power, as its new chairman. Mr. Venturini was elected for an 18-month term by WindEurope’s Board of Directors, which is comprised of corporate members, national associations and other organisations. He will succeed current WindEurope Chairman Dr. Markus Tacke, CEO of Siemens Wind Power & Renewables, who has served in the post since October 2014.

EWEA Chief Executive Officer Giles Dickson said: “We’re delighted to have Francesco Venturini as our new Chairman. It’s a key moment for our industry. The outlook for wind power in Europe is uncertain, with declining policy ambition and clarity in many countries.”


Study on Community Wind launched: Community Wind threatened by discriminating policies

Studie zur Bürgerenergie vorgestellt: Bürgerwind wird durch diskriminierende Politik bedroht

– Paris climate agreement can only be implemented successfully if based on strong social mobilization

– Practitioners and experts underline key role of small and community based investors for Energiewende

– WWEA presents 10 elements of a global community power strategy

Bonn, 22 March 2016 (WWEA) – WWEA and LEE NRW, the Renewable Energy Association of the German state North-Rhine Westfalia, launched today a study on the current status, main drivers and barriers of community based wind farms. CEOs of community wind farms and other experts were interviewed on favorable and detrimental factors for community wind. The answers reflected unanimously great concerns about the current trend towards auction systems for power from renewable energy. Auctions are usually setting up insurmountable barriers for community based investors. In contrast, simple feed-in tariff systems have been assessed as having paved the way for broad citizens’ participation and community wind farms.

So far, community owned wind farms have been a mainstream investment model in particular in Germany and previously in Denmark, with very positive impact on social acceptance and on distribution of economic benefits, especially on locally added value. Community wind holds globally vast potential for the energy transition from a fossil and nuclear based energy regime towards a democratic, decentralised, emission-free, and truly sustainable energy system. The world has agreed during the COP21 in Paris to achieve such a greenhouse fas neutral, i.e. in fact 100 % renewable energy energy supply by the year 2050, hence it is obvious that governments will have to mobilise their citizens and communities to invest in renewable energy.

Industry stands together to make economic case for wind energy in Poland

The European wind industry will descend on Warsaw today to make the economic arguments for wind power in a market that faces increasing uncertainty.

The Wind Power Poland 2016 event is organised by the Polish Wind Energy Association and is supported by EWEA. GE and Vestas are headlining as the two event ambassadors.

Poland’s wind market was one of the strongest performers last year – second only to Germany – installing a total of 1.3GW in new capacity as developers pushed forward on projects. To date, the wind industry in Poland supports over 8,000 jobs and generates 600 million zloty in revenue each year

2015: A positive year for solar

In 2015, solar grew by 15% in Europe connecting 8 GW of solar power to
the grid. Global grid-connected solar increased by 25% to an estimated 50.1 GW in 2015, from 40.2
th GW in 2014. SolarPower Europe presented its industry figures today at the 11 Solar Market

„2015 was an extremely successful year for solar and after 3 consecutive years of decline in Europe it
is especially encouraging to see the sector grow again“ says Oliver Schafer, President of SolarPower

The base for Europe’s solar power demand in 2015 derived from mainly 3 countries – UK, Germany
and France. These top 3 markets counted for 75% of the connections, equal to 5.3 GW. In 2014 their
share was also 75%, but equal to 6 GW. For the second year in a row, the UK took first place with an
estimated 3.7 GW.

Easy access to energy data for everyone

Energinet.dk is now in the process of establishing an easily accessible platform for sharing energy data. For a start, from the summer of 2017, everyone will to be able to access a fully functional beta version of the energy data base.

China Wind Power Blows Past EU – Global Wind Statistics release

Record Chinese installations drive global market past 63 GW

Powered by an astonishing 30,500 MW of new installations in China, the global wind power industry installed 63,013 MW in 2015, representing annual market growth of 22%. The US market reached 8.6 GW on the back of a strong fourth quarter surge, and Germany led a stronger than expected performance in Europe with a record 6 GW of new installations, including 2.3 GW offshore. Total global capacity reached 432,419 MW at the end of 2015, representing cumulative growth of 17%.

“Wind power is leading the charge in the transition away from fossil fuels”, said Steve Sawyer, Secretary General of GWEC. “Wind is blowing away the competition on price, performance and reliability, and we’re seeing new markets open up across Africa, Asia and Latin America which will become the market leaders of the next decade. Wind power led new capacity additions in both Europe and the United States, and new turbine configurations have dramatically increased the areas where wind power is the competitive option.”

As a result of its extraordinary annual market, China has edged past the European Union in terms of total installed capacity, with 145.1 GW to the EU’s 141.6 GW. The Chinese government’s drive for clean energy, supported by continuous policy improvement, is motivated by the need to reduce dependence on coal which is the main source of the choking smog strangling China’s major cities, as well as growing concern over climate change. Elsewhere in Asia, India chalked up a respectable 2,623 MW, pushing past Spain into fourth place in terms of cumulative capacity, after China, the US and Germany; and Japan, South Korea and Taiwan added some new capacity as well.

Europe risks losing its leadership in wind energy without a clear policy vision for renewables towards 2030.

Europe risks losing its leadership in wind energy without a clear policy vision for renewables towards 2030.

In 2015, China overtook the EU for total installed wind energy capacity, according to statistics released today by the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC). China installed almost 3 times as much wind than the EU and now has 145GW total capacity to the EU’s 142GW.

Giles Dickson, Chief Executive Officer of the European Wind Energy Association, said: “China overtaking the EU in wind energy is watershed moment. It sends a powerful message to policymakers: if Europe really wants to be number one in renewables it needs to get its act together. We need a clear EU vision for renewables beyond 2020. And great ambition and clarity from individual Member States.

44 procent af al ny elproduktion i Europa kommer fra vind

I 2015 voksede vindenergi igen med mere ny produktionskapacitet end nogen anden form for energiteknologi i Europa. Det viser nye tal fra EWEA.

I de 28 medlemslande stod vindudbygningen nemlig for mere end 44 % af al ny elproduktionskapacitet med i alt 12,8 GW net-tilsluttet vindenergi, nærmere bestemt 9.766 MW onshore og 3.043 offshore. Det er en stigning på 6,3 % fra sidste år. Det betyder også, at den samlede vindenergi-kapacitet i Europa nu udgør 142 GW og dækker 11,4 % af Europas elforbrug.

Flere investerer i vind
Også de investerede summer i vind frembød en markant stigning fra året før med en samlet investering i land- og havvind på 26,4 mia. euro, hvilket udgør en stigning på 40 % i forhold til året før.

Le photovoltaïque en 2015 : production record, marché timide

Sur base de son Observatoire et de sa Météo renouvelable, l’APERe dévoile le bilan statistique 2015 du solaire photovoltaïque en Belgique. Quatre éléments marquants en 2015 :

1. Le marché belge survit grâce aux placements de petits systèmes, mais s’avère moribond pour les grandes installations ;

2. Une année record de productivité solaire ;

3. Le parc a produit 3,2 TWh d’électricité solaire (Elia) ;

4. L’équipement est très contrasté entre les trois régions.

Dansk vindstrøm slår igen rekord – 42 procent

Vindmøller leverede i 2015, hvad der svarer til 42,1 procent af danskernes elforbrug. I Jylland og på Fyn leverede vindkraft faktisk mere strøm end det samlede forbrug i over 1460 af årets timer.

I 2015 slog danske vindmøller endnu en gang rekord. Samlet set leverede vindmøllerne, hvad der svarer til 42,1 procent af det samlede danske elforbrug, og det er det højeste tal nogensinde og den højeste andel for noget land. Sidste år var tallet 39,1 procent – også det var verdensrekord.