Kategorie: Industry News

News about the renewables scene

Security, jobs and autonomy – why we need our turbines to be made in Europe

ecofin-logo Renewable Energies

By turning our backs on equipment designed and manufactured in Europe we increase our dependency on equipment from outside of Europe. That undermines our energy security.

Finanslov skal sætte en slutdato for elafgiften

Wind- und Solarparks von EcofinConcept Erneuerbare

Elafgiften er fra den tid, hvor elektriciteten blev produceret af olie og kul. I dag kommer det meste strøm fra vindmøller og solceller, og vi er i gang med at få hele vores samfund til at køre på elektricitet

President von der Leyen is right: wind energy must continue to be made in Europe

Nordex Windkraftanlage

And the President is absolutely right: it is essential that wind energy continues to be made in Europe

Von der Leyen: ‘De windsector is een Europees succesverhaal’

Het windenergiepakket van de Europese Commissie heeft tot doel om te komen tot versnelde vergunningverlening, het verbeteren van de veilingsystemen in de lidstaten, werknemers met de juiste vaardigheden, betere toegang tot financiering én stabielere toeleveringsketens

Statement: kansen voor zon op landbouwgrond voor gemeenten

Wind- and Solarenergy

onzekerheid ontstaan over de implicaties van deze visie voor provincies, gemeentes, grondeigenaren en bedrijven die actief zijn met de ontwikkeling van zonneparken


Wind- and Solarenergy

Streven naar klimaatneutrale elektriciteitsvoorziening in 2035 en in 2040 een klimaatneutrale industrie en samenleving

UK’s badly-designed CfD auction attracts not a single investor

And they still have 2 other big projects from the previous auction that are trying to make the numbers work and reach final investment decision

Record-low solar PV prices risk EU’s open strategic autonomy

Wind- and Solarenergy

SolarPower Europe has written to the European Commission warning that, without immediate action, European solar manufacturing companies face further announcements of insolvency.

No energy transition without expanded electricity grid

Wind- and Solarenergy

Europe needs to invest more in its electricity grids. It needs to accelerate the build-out of transmission and distribution networks, reinforce existing grids and increase their flexibility

Nye tal: Opstillere klar til at fordoble vindkapaciteten på land

Wind- and Solarenergy

Et stort antal vindmølleprojekter står i kø for at levere en del af den grønne strøm, der skal til for at opfylde de danske klimamål, som indebærer en firedobling af vedvarende energi på land. En opgørelse fra Green Power Denmark viser, at en meget stor andel af den krævede kapacitet venter på behandling og senere politisk stillingtagen i kommunerne.

Germany installed 1.6 GW new onshore wind in the first semester; rigorously implements EU permitting measures

Wind- and Solarenergy

Onshore wind in Germany continues to recover. Today the German onshore wind associations presented new data on the expansion of wind energy in Germany.

European Parliament vote sends strong positive signal for renewables investments

Wind- and Solarenergy

Only 10 GW of new wind farm projects reached Final Investment Decisions (FID). And orders for wind turbines were down 47% year on year.

German offshore auctions award 7 GW of new wind; future auctions must avoid negative bidding

Today Germany announced the results of its biggest offshore wind auction to date. 7 GW of new capacity were awarded

New permitting rules & tools available for Governments to speed up renewables expansion

Wind- and Solarenergy

Germany is a good example of a country that has taken action already. They want to start building 10 GW of new wind each year by 2025 which would not have been possible under their old permitting rules

EcofinConcept GmbH – Rådgivning, projektudvikling, investering og projektmarkedsføring (Dansk)

Windpark in Norddeutschland EcofinConcept

EcofinConcept GmbH – Rådgivning, projektudvikling, investering og projektmarkedsføring

Electricity market design: European Parliament mustn’t undermine climate or energy security

Wind- and Solarenergy

And there must be sufficient flexibility to sell electricity under a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) or on a merchant basis where operators wish to do so.

After a decade of stagnation, we sense a wind of change in Central Europe

EcofinConcept Wind- und Solarparks

Recent regulatory changes for wind energy development in Central European countries are promising: Hungary is simplifying repowering conditions. In Slovenia first steps to boost permitting will come into force in July. And recently amended legislation in Czechia aligns the position of wind energy development with other public interests and simplifies permitting processes.

Vi søger altid tyske vindmølleprojekter og solcelleparker

Vi underviser og købe tyske vindmølle og solcelleparker

Har du en vindmølle (nye vindmølleparker eller gamle vindmøller) eller solcellepark i Tyskland som du ønsker at sælge, så kontakt EcofinConcept

NZIA: act now or Europe’s wind turbines will be made in China

Windpark Nordsee

Our existing green supply chains bring jobs, growth and investment to thousands of communities. We’ve got to wake up and preserve that AND build on it. NZIA is our chance.

Nature restoration and wind energy go hand in hand

Wind- and Solarenergy

Wind farm developers are actively working with NGOs to find ways of accentuating these positive biodiversity impacts
The CO2 emissions involved in producing and installing a modern wind turbine are paid back within 6 months of operation for onshore wind

Outlook for wind improving significantly in Central and Eastern Europe

a number of onshore projects are under development

Energiselskabers overskud kommer os alle til gavn

Wind- and Solarenergy

Investeringer i grøn energi er vores forsikring mod fremtidige energikriser, høje energiregninger og ustabil forsyningssikkerhed.

Energy Storage Coalition launched – more flexibility to help decarbonise Europe

deployment of sustainable and clean energy storage solutions

Revised EU Renewables Directive set to speed up wind permitting

Wind- and Solarenergy

The Environmental Impact Assessments for repowering will be limited to new additional impacts of the projects making the procedure much faster

Europe invested €17bn in new wind in 2022, the lowest since 2009

Wind- und Solarparks EcofinConcept Erneuerbare Energien

Europe invested just €17bn in new wind farms in 2022

Europe invested just €17bn in new wind farms in 2022. That’s down from €41bn in 2021 and the lowest investment figure since 2009 – a stark warning to Governments and policymakers. The EU wants to accelerate the build-out of wind energy to strengthen its energy security and ensure affordable electricity prices.

Wind industry commits to make its supply chains even more sustainable

Wind- and Solarenergy

Renewables are the driving force behind the decarbonisation of our economies but their supply chains are global and complex

Energy CEOs: Europe needs stronger wind supply chain and clear investment signals

We need investor certainty to get back on track. Imposing CfDs on new or existing projects, or extending emergency measures will not serve Europe’s purpose in delivering climate neutrality while protecting consumers.

Behov for hurtig udbygning af grøn strøm stiger

Wind- and Solarenergy

Samtidig ser vi, at udbygningen af vindmøller og solceller på land snegler sig afsted. Regeringen skal tilbage på banen med en løsning

The EU built only 16 GW new wind in 2022: must restore investor confidence and ramp up supply chain

EcofinConcept wind and solar energy

Europe built 19 GW of new wind energy capacity in 2022. 16 GW of those were in the EU. That’s 40% up on 2021. But it’s much less than what’s needed for the EU’s 2030 goals. And investments in new wind farms and new wind turbine orders were down in 2022: due to unhelpful Government …


Europe must get its Electricity Market Design right

Wind- and Solarenergy

Permitting bottlenecks persist: 80 GW of wind capacity is stuck in permitting processes across Europe

Pause to Danish offshore wind scheme is absurd

EcofinConcept wind and solar energy

The Danish Government has put on hold Denmark’s “open door” offshore wind development procedure

Investments in wind energy are down – Europe must get market design and green industrial policy right

Wind- and Solarenergy

In March the EU Commission will table its proposal for a revision of the EU electricity market design to enable electricity consumers to benefit from the low costs of renewable power. Europe must avoid reversing 20 years of European energy market integration overnight. 

EU wind installations up by a third despite challenging year for supply chain

Wind- and Solarenergy

The number of corporate renewable PPAs held up quite well in 2022 but would have been much higher if there were more investments in new wind farms coming

Landmark emergency EU law to support rapid solar installations

Wind- and Solarenergy

In applying the regulation EU countries will each offer their own definition of what an ‘artificial structure’ is, which could include buildings, industrial and brownfield sites, and transport infrastructure such as carports or carparks, or along motorways and railways. 

The Netherlands run another successful auction based on non-price criteria

This auction was a success. But there is simply not enough capacity up for grabs. Developers put a lot of resources into their bid to make sure their projects score well. Even those who do not win

Slovakia has excellent wind conditions but must remove barriers to wind energy


Clearer rules and guidelines would encourage investors. The Government also needs to support the expansion of the grid – and lower the disproportionately high fees developers need to pay to connect their wind farms.

Germany approves tax benefits for small solar installations

Wind- and Solarenergy

Under the new tax rules, the operators of small solar power plants will not pay income and trade tax on the income from the feed-in of solar power

Emergency measures on permitting are a step backwards

Windenergieanlage WEA VESTAS

Permitting is the main bottleneck for the expansion of renewables. 80 GW of wind energy capacity are currently stuck in permitting procedures across Europe

WindEurope panel at COP27: permitting, permitting, permitting

Wind- and Solarenergy

Wind energy is highly scalable and cost-competitive. And the industry is ready to deliver these volumes.

Grøn Energi Dag: Vi har nu produceret mere grøn strøm end i hele 2021

Wind- and Solarenergy

De danske solceller og vindmøller har i årets første 10 måneder produceret samme mængde sol- og vindenergi som i hele 2021

Low wind turbine orders call for step change in Europe’s energy security strategy

The rapid deployment of wind energy has never been more urgent – for energy security, for the climate, and for affordable energy prices

Europe needs to invest more in wind R&D to reach climate targets

Europe needs to invest more in R&I for the wind industry

“Overriding public interest” is essential to the expansion of renewables

EcofinConcept wind and solar energy

The rules and procedures for awarding permits are too complex. It’s taking far too long to get a permit. Not enough permits are being given

European Parliament doing good job on Renewables Directive – it must now deliver on permitting

Wind- and Solarenergy

Combined wind and solar parks are a good thing. Wind and solar are complementary in their output profiles. Put them together and you get a power plant with a high overall capacity factor

Emergency measures should target real profits only and support investment in renewables

Errichtungsbeginn VESTAS WEA in NRW

Renewables are the cheapest and fastest way to reduce Europe’s dependence on fossil fuel imports

Baltic Sea Countries sign declaration for more cooperation in offshore wind

Wind- and Solarenergy

For the development of offshore wind this also requires massive investments in offshore grid infrastructure, port facilitates and vessels

Vejle og Ringkøbing-Skjern vinder DM i sol og vind 2021

Wind- and Solarenergy

Vejle, Næstved og Thisted Kommuner producerede mest solenergi i 2021

President Biden’s Signature on Historic Inflation Reduction Act Secures America’s Position as the Global Leader on Clean Energy

Wind- and Solarenergy

After months of negotiation, the Inflation Reduction Act is now law, and the United States is on a path to becoming the world’s unequivocal leader in clean energy

Energy security: France takes emergency measures to boost renewables

Wind- and Solarenergy

France gets around 20% of its electricity from renewable sources – 8% from wind energy, but it needs more to meet its climate goals while reinforcing energy security.

Investors want to finance more wind energy – Governments need to back this

Wind- and Solarenergy

Investments in wind energy keep rising. Last year Europe invested €41bn in new wind farms. This translated into the highest capacity of new wind farms ever financed in one year – 25 GW