Kategorie: Industry News

News about the renewables scene

Growth in global energy demand surged in 2024 to almost twice its recent average

Wind- and Solarenergy

Global energy demand grew at a faster-than-average pace in 2024 as the consumption of electricity rose around the world – with increased supply of renewables

Sale of 90 GWh/a of green electricity via PPA from a solar farm in Germany

Wind- and Solarenergy

EcofinConcept is currently seeking interested industrial companies for a solar project developer who would like to purchase green electricity via a long-term PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) starting in 2026/27.

Building more wind is key to delivering the EU Clean Industrial Deal

Windpark Winter

The EU built 12.9 GW of new wind energy capacity in 2024. Europe built 16.4 GW. 84% of that was onshore wind. Germany installed the most new wind capacity, more than 4 GW. The UK, France, Finland, Türkiye, Spain and Sweden all built more than 1 GW.

Europe’s wind supply chain continues ramp up

Wind- and Solarenergy

The Net Zero Industry Act requires 36 GW of wind manufacturing capacity in the EU by 2030. We need more support to achieve this. Ease access to capital, enable a level playing field with non-European competitors, further boost the grid buildout and our European companies will deliver

Simplify and Accelerate is the way forward: Europe still takes too long to permit wind farms

Germany is showing everyone else how it’s done. They permitted 15 GW of new onshore wind farms in 2025. That’s seven times more than they were permitting five years ago.

EU Commission sets the direction for its competitiveness strategy

Wind- and Solarenergy

The European Commission presented its ‘Competitiveness Compass’ a blueprint for actions to restore the competitiveness of the European economy

Holland Solar mist concrete plannen in Zonnebrief 3.0.

Solarpark Industrie

De zonne-energiesector staat klaar om zon flexibel in te zetten en oplossingen te bieden voor het tegengaan van netcongestie aan de vraagkant

Europe gets 20% of its electricity from wind. But not enough new wind farms being built. Urgent action needed on permitting, grids and electrification

Windpark Winter

Wind energy was 20% of all the electricity consumed in Europe. But Europe is not building enough new wind farms.

One year since the European Wind Charter: lots achieved, lots more to do

EcofinConcept wind and solar energy

Germany has also set a great example to other countries in its approach to permitting new wind farms. They’ve been the first country to fully apply the new EU legal principle that the permitting of wind is in the “overriding public interest”

Europe not yet reaping the benefits of repowering old wind farms

Windpark Repowering Eifel

Across Europe more and more wind turbines start to reach the end of their operational lifetime. Repowering them – replacing them with new turbines

sale of 6 MW wind farm VESTAS V90, site in Germany, in operation


location: Germany

power rating wind farm: 6,000 kW (6.0 MW)
rated power wind turbine: 2,000 kW (2.0 MW)
manufacturer WTG: VESTAS
hub height: 125m
rotor diameter: 90m

Global Solar Council announces 2 terawatt milestone achieved for solar

Wind- and Solarenergy

The deployment of solar energy has exponentially accelerated in recent years, carrying with it dramatic cost reductions that make solar now the cheapest form of energy available to consumers in many countries across the globe

Translate offshore wind energy and biodiversity targets into concrete actions

the importance of scaling up examples of sustainable project planning and implementation to speed up wind and grid development

Draghi says PPAs are good for EU competitiveness: all EU rules must reflect that

Wind- and Solarenergy

Europe must leverage the significant potential for private financing stemming from PPAs

Massive global growth of renewables to 2030 is set to match entire power capacity of major economies today, moving world closer to tripling goal

Wind- and Solarenergy

wind and solar PV are the cheapest options to add new electricity generation in almost every country

New EU Commission: what it means for wind

Wind energy already helps to bring down electricity costs and makes Europe less dependent on fossil fuel imports. And clean and cheap wind power is key in helping EU heavy industries decarbonise and electrify. Europe is also a global technology leader in wind energy

Wind turbine orders and supply chain investments are up – but urgent action is required on grids, permitting and auction design

In the first half (H1) of 2024 Europe added 6.4 GW of new wind energy capacity: 5.3 GW onshore and 1.1 GW offshore.

We now expect the EU to build 15 GW of new wind farms this year, compared to 16 GW in 2023.

Grøn omstilling kan forhindre knockout af EU’s konkurrenceevne

EcofinConcept wind and solar energy

Grøn strøm sænker energipriserne, øger konkurrenceevnen, skaber flere arbejdspladser, styrker vores sikkerhed og reducerer udledningen af CO2.

Sale of single onshore wind turbine NORDEX N117 on site in Germany

sale of a project with single onshore wind turbine NORDEX N117

location: Germany

rated power wind turbine: 2,400 kW (2.4 MW)
manufacturer WTG: NORDEX
hub height: 141m
rotor diameter: 117m

maintenance contract: Full Service possible (20 years)

start of operation: Q1/Q2 2018

building permit: on hand, advice of amendment in progress

feed-in permit: on hand
feed-in tariff by German law (pilot plant)

land lease contract: long term

Rostock: Regional development with wind energy

Regional development with wind energy
Project developers are interested in building new wind farms

EU Wind Power Package is boosting the European wind supply chain

Windpark Vestas

Europe’s wind supply chain is starting to ramp-up

New UK Government shows impressive determination on wind energy


Positive signs for onshore wind

fund would invest in clean energy and other infrastructure projects

WindEurope’s response to Ursula von der Leyen’s re-election commitment

Wind- and Solarenergy

Wind is 20% of Europe’s electricity – the EU want it to be 35% by 2030

New UK Government plans big push on wind

UK Government is committed to double onshore wind and quadruple offshore wind

Immediate actions needed to unblock grid capacity for more wind energy

Grid access is the new permitting – the number one bottleneck to the build-out of wind

Advancing the Green Deal. Setting a new Industrial Deal. Securing Europe’s Prosperity.

Wind is already 20% of electricity consumption in Europe and is therefore a strategic resource for Europe’s industry

REPowerEU – EU presents new initiatives to strengthen energy security and accelerate transition to renewables

Wind- und Solarparks www.ecofinconcept.de

REPowerEU was a milestone in European energy policy

EU Elections 2024: WindEurope’s five asks for the next five years

Wind energy is 20% of the electricity consumed in Europe

Wind is cheap. And the more we have of it, the less energy we need to import

EU Grid Action Plan will help renewables, but urgent action needed on excessive connection queues

Wind- und Solarparks EcofinConcept Erneuerbare Energien

Delayed grid connections are now one of the main bottlenecks to the expansion of wind energy the EU wants

Denmark’s latest offshore wind auction could award enough capacity to meet the country’s entire electricity demand

Windpark Neltje Jans 2

Denmark opened an offshore wind tender which could award up to 10 GW

additional costs on wind farm developers

Solar Charter unites EU governments and solar sector in commitment to reshore solar manufacturing in Europe

Wind- and Solarenergy

Europe, and the world, is banking on solar to guide us out of the climate and energy crisis towards a new era of green prosperity and security

ESIA publishes its 2024 Action Plan

Solarpark Bayern II

ESIA publishes its 2024 Action Plan

German onshore wind sees record auction volumes, permitting improvements and crucial new port investments

Windpark NRW

German onshore wind is going from strength to strength

Things are really looking up again for onshore wind in Germany

EcoVadis, WindEurope and leading wind industry organisations launch ‘Wind Energy Initiative

Wind- and Solarenergy

With the launch of the ‘Wind Energy Initiative’ key players in the wind energy industry join forces today to identify and adopt common sustainable business practices

From school benches to wind farm professionals: students explore career opportunities in the wind industry at WindEurope 2024

Windpark NRW

The wind sector is growing rapidly

Working in wind energy is not only about manufacturing turbines

Rebound in wind energy financing in 2023 shows that the right policies attract investors

Investments in wind energy in Europe

Europe invested a record €48bn in wind energy last year

Kløften mellem de politiske ambitioner og den faktiske VE-udbygning skal væk

I 2030 mangler der knap 100 GW vindenergi til elektrificeringen af det europæiske energisystem i det nuværende tempo

Goed nieuws: subsidie voor dakversterking en natuurinclusiviteit in SDE++2024

Wind- and Solarenergy

Er is besloten dat natuurinclusieve elementen voor zonneparken in de ronde van 2024 opgenomen worden in de SDE++

Vindvirksomheder vil med på solenergiens rejse

Solcelleindustrien har fortsat gode muligheder for teknologiudvikling, effektivisering og besparelser

Solar Pledge planned at EU Energy Council

Solarpark Bayern II

In 2022, the EU Solar Strategy and REPowerEU changed the game

Uptake in permitting and investments brings 2030 wind target within reach

Wind- and Solarenergy

Denmark had the biggest share of wind in its electricity mix

EU enshrines tighter pre-qualification criteria for wind farms in law

Enercon-E-66 Windenergieanlage

The Act will help strengthen Europe’s clean tech manufacturing and contribute to ensuring that the future of wind energy is “made in Europe”

Tredobling af grøn energi i 2030 kræver ’von And’sk’ pengetan

EcofinConcept wind and solar energy

Mere end 130 ud af små 200 lande skrev i december under på en erklæring om at tredoble mængden af vedvarende energi i løbet af de næste syv år og fordoble indsatsen inden for energieffektivisering

Wind energy permitting is improving but Governments still have work to do

Wind- and Solarenergy

Europe approved significantly more permits for new onshore wind farms in 2023 than in previous years

EU Commission remarks on solar manufacturing crisis

EcofinConcept wind and solar energy

The European Commission engaging on the solar manufacturing crisis in the European Parliament is an important step

Net Zero Industry Act threatens to be a backward step for Europe’s wind industry

Windpark Repowering 2

Wind is 19% of the electricity consumed in Europe

The EU built a record 17 GW of new wind energy in 2023 – wind now 19% of electricity production

The EU built 17 GW of new wind energy in 2023, slightly up on 2022 – and more than ever in a single year in fact. But it’s not enough to reach the EU’s 2030 targets. The EU should be building 30 GW of new wind every year between now and 2030. The actions set …


Massive expansion of renewable power opens door to achieving global tripling goal set at COP28

Wind- und Solarparks von EcofinConcept Erneuerbare

World added 50% more renewable capacity in 2023 than in 2022 and next 5 years will see fastest growth yet, but lack of financing for emerging and developing economies is key issue

Aldrig har den strøm, vi bruger, været mere grøn

EcofinConcept wind and solar energy

I både Holland og Tyskland er andelen af vedvarende energi i elproduktionen nu steget til over 50 procent

Electricity Market Design Revision

Wind- and Solarenergy

Electricity Market Design Revision

We now have clear path forward for long-term investments into renewables