Hückelhoven, September 12, 2019 – EcofinConcept has supported one of the largest wind energy repowering projects in Germany
Satisfied today, all parties look to the achieved. That was not always so. One of the largest wind farm repowering projects in Brandenburg, Germany, threatened several times to fail because of the complexity of the task. So not only numerous specialist authorities, but also hundreds of limited partners of the former community wind farm and the local community had to be convinced of the project.
Today, 18 VESTAS 3.45 MW turbines are turning in the wind at the site. And how they turn. In one fell swoop, repowering made it possible to quintuple the annual electricity production. A more than great success to which EcofinConcept GmbH has contributed to a small extent.
Christian Sperling, Managing Director of EcofinConcept GmbH: „It was good that we were involved in the planning and implementation of the project from the beginning of the project so that we could develop an economically viable concept that would convince project developers, limited partners and the financing bank.“
And incidentally, EcofinConcept was able to prove the tremendous potential of onshore wind energy. „On an area of only 280 ha, we produce 126 GWh of electricity here, which means that we could generate 60% of our current electricity consumption on just 2% of Germany’s surface.“
But the participants do not want to be satisfied with that. The next projects are already in progress. So soon a first charging station will be opened at the wind farm. And that should not have been the last project. „We want to show that the municipalities also benefit from wind energy in addition to trade tax revenues, which is the only way we will be able to take people along in the energy turnaround,“ says Guido Vieten, Managing Director of EcofinConcept GmbH.
About EcofinConcept: EcofinConcept GmbH specializes in renewable energies. In addition to traditional consulting services, the range of services includes, in particular, the acquisition of existing and turnkey projects for private and institutional investors, project development, commercial due diligence and the development of investment opportunities.
References in short: project management, conception, development, structuring, financing and / or marketing of more than 85 projects with a total investment volume of more than 590 million EUR and an installed nominal capacity of almost 365 MW. Own power plants are operated in subsidiaries and sister companies.
EcofinConcept GmbH
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Email: info (AT) ecofinconcept.de
Internet: www.ecofinconcept.de
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